Home Hunts – How does our buyer’s agent service work?

Signing the compromis de vente

Buyer’s Agent for the Luxury Property Market

Buying a property abroad can be challenging, particularly if you don’t understand the process or speak the language, if you choose Home Hunts’ buyer’s agent service, we can do all the hard work for you

What are the most challenging aspects of buying a French property?

When we ask clients this question, some of the most common answers are: language difficulties, lack of knowledge of the property market in France, distrust over an agent’s advice and lack of information on the buying process. There are other answers too of course but they all usually boil down to the fact that people are nervous and require some help and support, this is where we come in.

Unrivalled support, every step of the way

When clients first contact Home Hunts, they are not always aware that our team provides constant, first-class support in all of these areas and more.

As a buyer’s agent, every Home Hunts consultant acts purely for the client and remains dedicated to fulfilling their needs throughout the buying process and beyond.

“With us, you get one point of contact who lives and works in the area, speaks your language fluently and knows the local market intimately,” says Tim Swannie, Director of Home Hunts. “As well as this, we have been working with most of the immobiliers for many years, we’ve built up a brilliant network and have an in depth knowledge of the property market.”

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A buyer’s agent is your eyes and ears in France….

Because of our established relationships and contacts, Home Hunts is able to uncover more information about a property than a buyer can. Our insider knowledge and experience can really help with the buying and negotiation strategies.

“How long a property has been for sale, the owner’s situation, how flexible prices are, it’s our job to investigate the details that are important for our client,” explains Tim. “We become the eyes and ears for our clients, we are always totally honest and open about properties, outlining all the good and bad points, from noise to potential renovation problems.”

The buyer’s agent service attracts clients from around the world 

Although the number of British buyers dropped after the Brexit referendum from around 62% of clients, the number has increased over the last few years. In 2018 just over one-third of clients hailed from the UK and in 2019 around 50% of our buying clients were Brits. Our team speak many languages and we work with clients from all over Europe, Russia, the Middle East, USA and further afield.

Finding properties for clients, which meet their often-complex criteria, is where Home Hunts excels. Whether holiday apartment or family home, each buyer has a unique collection of needs and Home Hunts relishes the challenge of finding a perfect property match.

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A tailor-made search for clients

Understanding that clients’ time is precious, Home Hunts consultants search the entire market and then analyse every long-listed property first by carrying out an initial viewing by themselves. The property only makes the potential viewings shortlist if it fits the criteria.

Second stage property viewings are organised by Home Hunts and carried out with the client. Once a property is selected the team guide the client smoothly through the process to the end.

“In terms of the service we offer, it is constantly evolving because we tailor-make it for each client,” says Tim. “We pride ourselves on our high level of customer care, helping our clients before, during and after the sale. Everything from currency exchange, tax and finance through to renovations, rental and property management.”

Having been in business in France for around 15 years, Home Hunts has built up an impressive network of skilled specialists and experts. “We’ve made sure that we can offer each client the best possible advice at every step.”

Independent advice guaranteed

By searching for a property with Home Hunts, buyers can be sure that all advice is independent and based on the experiences of handling thousands of property deals.

“We have a high referral and repeat business rate and part of the reason for this is because our clients know we are open and honest all the way through,” says Tim.

“We really listen to what it is that is most important for our clients and make sure we find the best selection of properties. Our job is to find the perfect home for our clients and then to help them negotiate the most beneficial deal at the best price.”

Home Hunts are buyer’s agents, we here to help you to find your dream home. If you would like to speak to one of the team to discuss your needs or just to have a chat about the market, you can call us on +33 970 44 66 43 or send us a mail to info@home-hunts.com. If you just want to browse through thousands of beautiful French homes, visit our website at www.home-hunts.com or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

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